Greetings from JuergenGreetings from Juergen

In this edition of "The Intersect," we explore how the merging of art and technology continues to redefine creative expression. I love the connection between science and art, showing how artists use data and digital tools to expand the scope of creativity. I also curated articles that look at the intersection of visual and auditory experiences, offering new ways to understand and appreciate art. Finally, we discuss the importance of managing digital art and music metadata to protect artists' rights in the digital age.

These themes highlight the ongoing evolution and enrichment of both art and technology. I hope you find these insights as thought-provoking as I do.

The Intersect: Art In Tech  

Data Driven Art

Technology in Music

Art and Spatial Computing

Societal Impact of Art and Tech

AI in Visual Arts


Digital Archiving and Art Preservation

The Last WordThe Last Word

Thanks for joining me on this exploration of art and technology. Your curiosity and engagement help drive these conversations forward. Until next time, keep pushing the boundaries and exploring new creative horizons.

PS, if you like this newsletter, please help me by sharing it!

Stay curious and keep creating!

The Intersect: Art In Tech