Greetings from JuergenGreetings from Juergen

Hi everyone,

This week’s newsletter starts with a fresh look at OpenAI’s Sora video platform and how gaming engines could teach AI to grasp the laws of physics—spaghetti sauce glitches included. From there, I reflect on Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s "The Gates," reimagined through augmented reality, and the enduring power of their original hand-drawn sketches.

We also explore Alexis Mata’s bold reinterpretation of digital glitches through traditional oil painting, dive into brainwave-driven art installations in London, and consider how virtual reality might reshape access to museum collections. Finally, we see AI questioning the authorship of Raphael’s famous Madonna della Rosa and ask: how might technology challenge our perceptions of art’s origins?

The Intersect: Art In Tech  

Film & Video

Public Art


Definitely Not AI

Interactive Art

Art & Science

Creator Platforms and Tools

Art and Politics

Digital Archiving and Art Preservation

The Last WordThe Last Word

Thanks for spending a bit of your day exploring these ideas with me. I hope the stories sparked curiosity or even a new perspective on how art and tech continue to reshape each other. If you had a favorite story or found a topic that resonated, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Let’s keep the dialogue going and continue uncovering the rich intersections of creativity and innovation together.

Warm regards, Juergen

The Intersect: Art In Tech